










































写真事務所を開設して今年で20年を迎えました。サクラスタジオは2012年のオープンより12年を迎えました。独立して初めての仕事は2004年10月29日・最初の記念すべきプロとしての仕事は五反田のあるカレー屋さんの取材撮影でした。Nikon F5にリバーサルフイルムをつめ撮影しました。あれから20年、なんとか今日まで写真撮影を生業としてやってくることができました。仕事を私にくださったお客様のおかげです。これまでの20年間で実に4845件(2024年10月15日現在)のあらゆるジャンルのお仕事をさせていただきました。本当にありがとうございます。四谷の写真館を2012年7月に開設した以降もたくさんのお客様にもお越しいただきました。たくさんの写真を撮らせていただきました。感謝と激励の言葉も多数いただきました。これからも皆様に親しまれ愛されるスタジオでありたいと思います。 

                                      サクラスタジオ代表 広田



The idea of Sakura Studio Photography Photography.

Photos are "records" to keep memories. The important thing is the daily life of living with someone right now. So, I'll take a picture with my heart here.

I think that shooting in the studio is by no means casual, but with special feelings. Therefore, in order to provide the highest level of photography experience, we have prepared the best in terms of technology, experience, equipment, location, and space.

1 Sakura Studio Photography photos are very simple. It is a studio that shoots only with custom-made beautiful walls and gray monochromatic backgrounds. Costumes are not available in this studio. There are no sets or props in this studio. This is because there is a feeling that the customer and the subject are "protagonists" rather than the production of studio sets and props. Of course, your favorite items and clothes that you choose and bring in will be "part of the main character", so please do not hesitate to bring them in. I'm sure it will be a good memory.

2 A special shooting experience in a comfortable time.

We have plenty of room for reservation time and number of reservations.

I will carefully spend time on each person. Please give me up to 1 hour.

Please let me take a careful picture.

It does not mean that the shooting time is 1 hour. It's not that you can take pictures if you take a long time.

Those who are early will finish in about 30 minutes. This studio is not a time system, and it will be over if you can take a satisfactory photo.

However, we will carefully take pictures of everyone. It should be a shooting experience that can never be done with flow work.

3 We are particular about unique shadows.

In this studio, we create lighting in millimeters according to each person. Of course, each person's face and shape are different. The height and balance are also different. Also, the costume I'm wearing is also different.

So each person creates a different light and a different shadow.

We are particular about smooth shading.

4 I am particular about black and white photos.

The only photos without color information are light, shadow, and facial expressions. There is a lot of white in white, and there is a lot of black in black. This is not just a matter of black and white on the software.

It seems easy, but it is actually a difficult technology.

5 In order to provide the highest quality shooting experience, we use a 100 million pixel medium format digital camera to shoot. It has a sensor size about 1.7 times that of a general full-size camera, and the amount of 16-bit RAW color information (a general full-size camera is 14-bit) smoothly and gradates white in white and black in black. The dimensions are completely different from the 14-bit cameras used in general studios.

6 I will give you all the data.

I will take both color and monochrome. I will give you all the data and all the expressions. Because we want our customers and their families to be happy. Please share your photos with everyone. Please contact us for the print. Inkjet printers for home use that can output on the spot are not recommended. Introducing high-quality silver salt prints.

7 Sophisticated and special space.

I think taking photos in a photo studio is a special thing.

On the way to the photo studio from the reservation to the preparation. And I finally arrived at the photo studio.

So, I made a special space for 1 group charter.


8 And the most important thing.

To be close to each customer.

An era where you can take simple and beautiful photos with just one smartphone.

I always wonder why you came all the way to the photo studio. I think that's still a special thing.

You are coming with various thoughts.

In order to respond to that feeling, I will take a picture with all my heart.

● Greetings.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of opening a photography office. Sakura Studio has celebrated its 12th anniversary since its opening in 2012. My first independent job was on October 29, 2004. My first memorable professional job was to interview and shoot a curry shop in Gotanda. I took a reverse film on a Nikon F5. It's been 20 years since then, and I managed to make a living from photography to this day. It's thanks to the customer who gave me the job. Over the past 20 years, I have done a total of 4845 jobs (as of October 15, 2024) of all genres. Thank you very much. Since the opening of Yotsuya's photo studio in July 2012, many customers have visited. I took a lot of pictures. I also received many words of gratitude and encouragement. I would like to continue to be a studio that is familiar and loved by everyone.

Hirota, representative of Sakura Studio









代表取締役 広田成太





従業員数 4名


資本金 9.990.000円


本社 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-22-17神宮前コートII 103


営業所 (東京レンタル撮影スタジオ)

四谷3丁目スタジオ 東京都新宿区四谷3-7かつ新ビル5F

東日本橋スタジオ  東京都中央区東日本橋1-4-10矢ノ倉ハイツ1F-B

外苑東通りスタジオ 東京都新宿区左門町8-3ロイヤルハイツB1

新宿曙橋スタジオ  東京都新宿区住吉町8-7山田ビル4F



2004年10月1日 創業 広田成太が写真事務所として前身であるMSCを開設


2012年6月 写真館サクラスタジオ オープン

2016年7月12日 組織変更 株式会社サクラスタジオ設立

2021年8月 表参道へ移転

